Eventide Timefactor/H9Max – 30 Cosmic Effects

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Welcome to the deepest parts of the extending Universe with beautiful Eventide Effects series!

Introducing “30 Cosmic Effects” for Timefactor Pedal & H9 Max.

Here you will find all what you need to transform your Guitar & Synth into a galactic machine!

Different classic & unusual delay constructions.

Molecules, Particles, Filter Bubbling structures.

Space emulations – Timefactor can be a Reverb!

All 30 presets are modeled as insert type fx.



  1. NK Nine Sixteens
  2. NK Polyrhytm
  3. NK Space Echo
  4. NK Dimension D
  5. NK Flying Soul
  6. NK Filter Magic
  7. NK Band Move
  8. NK FlyingOne
  9. NK Dotted Mod
  10. NK Tape Move
  11. NK Eternity
  12. NK Classic
  13. NK Aspects
  14. NK Molecules
  15. NK Reverance
  16. NK Rachets
  17. NK Space
  18. NK Particles
  19. NK Atoms
  20. NK Crysalis
  21. NK Crysalis 2
  22. NK Faaast
  23. NK Dusty Gold
  24. NK Bubbles
  25. NK Bubbles2
  26. NK Old Mono
  27. NK NoRhytm
  28. NK Space Parts
  29. NK Glitches
  30. NK Chorused

About Nick, the author of this soundset

Nick Chronos, composer & sound designer, certified teacher of Steinberg/Yamaha & PluginBotique companies. Get more information and a list of all sound designer soundbanks below.

more info soundbanks

Reviews from YouTube

Super delay time))
Dreams One Planetoid

Awesome sounds, best regards! 💚

Oh wow man. 😀

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