LFO.Store proudly presents long awaited set of presets for one of the most popular budget pedals
– Zoom MS-70CDR!
Working only with 70CDR model!
This blue beauty is a hit of sales in our shop & we recieved lot of feedbacks & tasks from you!
So we made the second set!
In this time we put our focus on presets adapted for Synthesizers so welcome to the “Synth Rig” Soundset with newly handcrafted 50 presets!
Soundset splitted on:
- Set of different delays – modern, vintage, lo-fi, pattern, combo
- Set of modulation fx – different choruses, flangers & detunes
- Set of reverbs & spaces – clean, big, cave, plate, mangled, combo
- Set of unique & combo effects with all kinds you can imagine.
We are not putting lots of algorhytms in every preset.
Many effects are singles – for the clear result for mixing,jamming or recording.
And the goal for this soundset – is to make useful delays,clear verbs which will not overload overall sound.
Easy loading (instructions are included)
All synced fx are fixed to 120 BPM but you can easily change BPM using grey metal button on the pedal.
Suited for all modern genres of electronic music: retrowave, ambient, trance, house, classic electronica, downtempo.
By Nick Klimenko aka Chronos, a creator of “Organica” for Waldorf Blofeld & “WS Universe” for Korg Wavestation.
- NKEntrance
- NKDigiDel
- NKLongDel
- NKSeqDel
- NKPhazeDI
- NKFiltDel
- NKHolderDI
- NKPtrnDel
- NKAnDelay
- NKArpDel
- NKVintDel
- NKTaleDel
- NKSTDelay
- NKCrusher
- NKBigBalls
- NKChorus2
- NKChorus
- NKFIanged
- NKEnsemble
- NKRolandCh
- NKDetune
- NKRotation
- NKSaturat
- NKCompress
- NKBig&Dry
- NKSmthVerb
- NK Gravity
- NKCathedra
- NKFarAway
- NKPIate140
- NKA Vibe
- NK OldTape
- NKBig&Wet
- NK Granula
- NK FiltDel
- NKDigiDel
- NK Panner
- NKCaveDrop
- NK HotLine
- NKLandscap
- NKDelVerb
- NKRichTone
- NKDelVerb2
- NK Strain
- NK Looper
- NKSatVerb
- NKSatVerb2
- NK Mangle
- NKFluctuat
- NK FeedB
About Nick, the author of this soundset
Nick Chronos, composer & sound designer, certified teacher of Steinberg/Yamaha & PluginBotique companies.
All Zoom ms 70cdr soundsets made by Nick:
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