The Origin of the KORG Synthesizers is Revived in Software: miniKORG 700S.
The miniKORG 700S for Mac and Windows is a faithful reproduction of the original analog hardware, with powerful new features only possible in software.
Now the unique sounds and capabilities of this historic KORG synthesizer can be enjoyed on your computer.
“Type73” Soundset contains 64 patches with wide range of sounds:
- Arp & Sequence
- Motion
- Atmospheric Sounds
- Soft Synths
- SE/Complex
Made by member, Alexander Kav aka. Nucleus from Saint Petersburg.
At the beginning of the 1970s, many compact monophonic synthesizers appeared on the market. However, most of them were used mainly by famous musicians who could afford rare instruments or as research devices in the academic world.
KORG wanted to give the average musician the chance to experience this new type of musical instrument.
After much trial and error, the company’s first mass-produced synthesizer was announced in 1973: the miniKORG 700.
With a simple appearance that belied its ability to produce diverse sounds beyond imagination, it charmed many musicians who loved its unique and thick tonal quality.
The miniKORG 700S, the improved version with an additional VCO, was announced the next year, and has now been recreated as a software instrument.
Preset List:
01 Bass Dron Break
02 Basslines 1
03 Deep Rhythmic
04 Deep Rhythmic 2
05 Deep Rhythmic 3
06 Deep Trance
07 Deep Trance 2
08 Detun Arp
09 Detun Bass 1
10 DV800 Bass
11 DV800 Bass REV
12 DV800 Duo SQ
13 PolySynt SQ
14 PolySynt SQ 2
15 PolySynt SQ 3
16 Reflex SQ
17 Rev Bass 1
18 Robo SQ
19 Running DS
20 Running HPF
21 Running PH
22 Sequence Bass 1
23 Sequence Bass 2
24 SID arp
25 Signal SQ
26 Space Voyage
27 Structure
28 Structure 2
29 TranceBass 1
30 TranceBass 2
31 TranceBass 3
32 Traveling arp
33 Traveling arp 2
34 Venus Arp
35 Ecstatic
36 Genesis textyre
37 Mars Voice
38 Mars Voice 2
39 Movie texture
40 Outbreak
41 Poly Pluck
42 PolySqWave
43 Reverse
44 Saw-Seq
45 Saw-Seq FX
46 Signal
47 Space Textyre
48 Space Textyre 2
49 Station
50 SuperScape 1
51 SuperScape 2 ind
52 Tronic
53 Visionary
54 KraftW
55 Poli Analog
56 Analog FX 1
57 FX Aquifer
58 Atlantik
59 Attack LFO
60 Attack SN
61 Horizon
62 Orbital Lfo
63 Space Str
64 E-Mu Pr 2000
About Alexander Kav — author of this soundset
Alexander Kav (Nucleus project) musician, sound designer, experimenter. Get more information and a list of all sound designer soundbanks below.
All Korg Micro… soundsets made by Anton:
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