Arturia Pigments 3 “Phaeton” Soundbank 65 presets

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Welcome to the first complete soundset for Arturia Pigments3 – “Phaeton” from LFO Team!

65 organic presets with:

  • Atmospheres
  • Drones
  • Pads
  • Polyphonic
  • Rhythmic
  • Experimental
  • Granular

Made by Alexander Kav.

Enjoy the sounds & be inspired, re-discovering your Pigments synthesizer!

Preset List:

  1. Air Drone
  2. Aira
  3. Atmo bell
  4. Atmo drone 1
  5. Atmo drone 2
  6. Atmo scapes
  7. Bass drone
  8. Bell drone
  9. Bell pad
  10. Circle drone
  11. Dr Loop 1
  12. Dr Loop 2
  13. Dr Loop 3
  14. Dr Loop 4
  15. Express
  16. Gothic pad 1
  17. Gothic pad 2
  18. Horizon 1
  19. Horizon 2
  20. Horizon 3
  21. Isolator
  22. Korg M1 bell tx
  23. Korg M1 M1 tx
  24. Magic textyre
  25. Mex textyre
  26. Monk Drone
  27. Moon scope
  28. Mystic bel
  29. Mystic Drone
  30. Neon
  31. Nymph tx
  32. Orbital drones
  33. Outline 1
  34. Outline 2
  35. Outline 3
  36. Phantom tx
  37. Poly synt in
  38. Poly synt scope
  39. Scope bell
  40. Sphere 1
  41. Sphere 2
  42. Step poly
  43. Synth at pad 1
  44. Synth at pad 2
  45. Synth LFo
  46. Synth wawe
  47. Textyre 80s 1
  48. Textyre 80s 2
  49. Tibet scope 1
  50. Tibet scope 2
  51. Vector 1
  52. Vector 2
  53. Vector vox
  54. Vector synt 1
  55. Vector synt 2
  56. Vintqe str 1
  57. Vintqe str 2
  58. Visionary
  59. Voice synth
  60. Wakum drone
  61. Wave scope 1
  62. Wave scope 2
  63. Wind 1
  64. Wind 2

About Alexander Kav — author of this soundset

Alexander Kav (Nucleus project) musician, sound designer, experimenter. Get more information and a list of all sound designer soundbanks below.

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