“Harmony of the Spheres” is a truly remarkable soundset for Waldorf Blofeld synthesizer, with 55 exclusive presets created by the well-known sound designer and sound therapist Otto K. Schwarz.
The soundbank is dedicated to the ancient philosophical concept of the harmony of the spheres, also known as Musica universalis. The ancients spoke concerning the musical and mathematical structure of the cosmos. They believed that the movement of heavenly bodies gives rise to harmony, since it is expressed by distances equal to the consonant musical proportions.
In this bank you will find multi-layer pads that take you beyond the event horizon and dissolve into distant outer space; amazing arpeggios that convey the sounds of near-Earth space objects and allow you to enter the unexplored territories of the unknown planets; impetuous leads piercing dark matter with their bright sound frequencies; polyphonic keys, colored by the radiation of the starry sky.
Whether you’re creating ambient, soundtracks, EDM or experimental music, this collection of sounds will be at your service!
55 exclusive royalty-free presets. No SL Licence is requested to install these presets.
Instructions are inside the pack.
About Otto — author of this soundset
Otto Schwarz is a founder of Ephilion project, composer, mastering engineer and sound designer.
more info soundbanksAll Waldorf Blofeld soundsets made by Otto:
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