Kurzweil K2000 came in our studio in total broken condition. All the bottom plastic panel was damaged like a puzzle & both PW & MW was out of synth. The screen was blurred & not showed proper information.
We thought it was bad packing from previous owner or bad delivery of transport company. But it was only part of true.
Second part – that bottom was already glued in the past. We found that when start gluing again.
So the condition was really poor.
First we took all the parts to the synth repair in VG Line.
Guys fixed wheels & screen very professional. Then we find few ways to re-built bottom – using wood & glue old plastic one.
Both ways may coast $150-$200 & it was too much. And there are no chances to find bottom separately in Russia.
So we decided to fix by ourselves.
So first – we had to collect & glued all parts we found with “Moment” glue & than used epoxy glue to cover all the surface of bottom part.
It works great after one day of being dry.
After we used black paint from balloon to paint detail on black color.
The result: Solid bottom with no problems (besides cosmetic look) for $30.
Demo of Kurzweil will be available soon 🙂