SoundToys Effect Rack – Pad Stop & One-Shot Extension
(by Anton Anru)
Pad Stop
Turns pads, textures and any sustained parts into rhythmic and highly colored timbers. Using these racks you may change the original sound into an absolutely different and unrecognizable thing.
This soundset includes 25 presets.
One-Shot Extension
Turns one-shots and short sounds into long sounding or even endless parts. The timbral changes are great as well: warm, lo-fi, dirty, noisy, cold, wide and distant colors are collected for these racks.
This soundset includes 25 presets.
The bank of presets is created on version 5.2.4. For proper work, you should use this or higher version of SoundToys plugins.
Put the folders “- Pad Stop” and “- One-Shot Extension” into:
Mac: \ Users \ Shared \ Soundtoys \ Soundtoys 5 \ EffectRack
Windows: C:\ Users \ Public \ Public Documents \ Soundtoys \ Soundtoys 5 \ EffectRack
About Anru, the author of this soundset
Anton Anru is a producer, sound designer, mix engineer, and music production trainer. Get more information and a list of all sound designer soundbanks below.
more info soundbanksAll Software Synths soundsets made by Anru:
Reveal Sound Spire – Darkwave Cinematics (50 Presets by Anton Anru)
Synapse Audio Legend HZ – Dreamscape Flow (50 Presets by Anton Anru)
Synapse Audio Legend HZ Bundle – Lead, Bass, Pad, Strings, Texture, Arp, Seq, Keys (All 150 Presets)
Synapse Audio Legend HZ – Endless Motion (50 Presets by Anton Anru)
Minimal Audio Current – Dystopian Soundscapes (50 Presets by Anton Anru)
Xfer Serum – Shadowed Future (50 Presets by Anton Anru)
Synapse Audio Legend HZ – Neo-Noir Echoes (50 Presets by Anton Anru)
Arturia Pigments/Analog Lab/AstroLab – Tape Dreams (50 Presets by Anton Anru)
Ableton Live – Memories On Tape (50 Presets by Anton Anru)
MIDI Patterns – Lounge & Chill Out (64 303-Style Patterns)
MIDI Patterns – Old School (64 303-Style Patterns)
MIDI Patterns – Dreamy Sequences (64 303-Style Patterns)
MIDI Patterns – Acid Bass Lines (64 303-Style Patterns)
U-He Repro-5 – Cosmic Pads & Drones by Anton Anru
☆☆U-He Repro 5 Soundset – A Hundred
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